Computer Weekly: restoring data from backups

In this piece, we will look at a key step in the business continuity, DR and backup and recovery process: can you restore data from your backups?

Too often, enterprises invest heavily in backup and recovery, but fail to test that their systems actually work.

The piece will cover:

  • The key elements of reliable restores from backup
  • Auditing backup processes
  • The 3-2-1 backup rule
  • How do you test the integrity of a backup?
  • The importance of testing backups and restoration
  • What are the objectives of backup testing?
  • How often should you test restores from backups?

I am looking for analyst comments and best practice guidance. Best practice can come from anywhere in the industry, but I am unable to quote vendors directly.

To contribute to the piece, please contact me by email no later than 1700hrs GMT on Friday March 1st.

Computer Weekly: storage articles for January 2023

My next articles for Computer Weekly’s storage section will look at storage egress charges, and backup maintenance.

Cloud egress charges

What are cloud storage egress charges and what you can do to reduce them?

The piece will cover:

What are cloud egress charges?

How do they compare to others charges made for cloud storage?

What are the risks to organisations from unchecked egress charges?

What can you do to manage and mitigate over-burdensome egress charges?

Deadline for leads: Monday 19 December

Backup maintenance

Why does backup need maintenance, what does it consist of and how do we do it?

Why can’t you just leave backups to run without some kind of maintenance programme?What can go wrong if you just set and forget?What is involved in maintaining backup systems?

How does use of the cloud change this? We will look at backing up to the cloud as well as cloud to cloud back up.

What tools can you use to help maintain backups?

What innovations in backup might make all this easier?

Deadline for leads: 07 January.

For either of these articles, please contact me by email in the first instance.

Computer Weekly features: June 2022

I am researching the following features for Computer Weekly, with deadlines in June:

Data gravity

What is data gravity, what implications does it have for data storage, and to what extent can it be mitigated

The piece will over these points:

  • What is data gravity? (for a definition see this TechTarget article)
  • What causes it? 
  • Give examples, large and smaller-scale perhaps, on-prem and cloud, any trends (eg, to edge?)
  • What impact does it have on data storage?
  • What impact does it have on cost, management etc.
  • What can be done, from a storage perspective, to mitigate data gravity?

Deadline for contributions: Monday 6 June.

Global file systems 

What are ‘global file systems’, who are the main vendors and what are the key differences between their products?

What are the common features of the ‘global file system’ products offered by vendors

What customer challenges do they solve?

How do they differ from file-and-sync services or just using the cloud?

Note, this piece will build on an earlier article (here) but will focus on the specific vendors in the space and their offerings. Please contact me directly for information on the vendors.

Deadline for contributions: Monday 13 June.

Backup maintenance

What do you need to do to ensure backups are maintained and reliable?

This is an advisory article setting out what should be done to ensure backups are maintained, and work. This will include cloud, virtualised and container environments.

Points we hope to cover include:

  • Ensuring all sources that need to be backed up are backed up
  • Ensuring backup targets are maintained and accessible
  • Potential areas of risk or failure, including hardware and human factors
  • Testing
  • Potential human, infrastructure etc failures
  • The need to keep backup software up to date.

Deadline for contributions: Friday 17 June.

For all these articles please contact me by email in the first instance, if you are contributing to a specific article please note that in the subject line. Many thanks.